U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Jon Rahm

Flash Interview

Q. 1-under 69; you had some good looks, some didn't fall. Do you feel confident you're going to continue to get those looks and what do you have to do differently to get them to drop?

JON RAHM: Man, we are talking about bentgrass -- I don't know if they're poa annua -- bentgrass greens that are soft after 140 players went through them. They're going to get a little bumpy. It's just how it is. It's golf. No matter what green it is, after this many people play through, they get a little bumpy, there's some big slopes out here.

When you're playing putts with two, three, four feet of break, you're not hitting them that firm. And when they're a little bit irregular, you might get some odd bounces. And that's what happened to me today. I kind of lost confidence with the pace of the putts I was hitting, and even though I bounced back with two really good putts on 17 and 18, still a great round. I would have taken anything under par.

As hard as it is to believe that I'm going to say this, it was relatively stress free because of how good I hit it. I had a lot of birdie looks out there. I wish I would have made a few, yeah, but still a lot of golf to be played, and hopefully I can keep striking it like this.

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101548-1-1222 2020-09-17 22:52:00 GMT

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