U.S. Open Championship 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Rafa Cabrera Bello

Quick Quotes

Q. 2-under par through 36 holes, even par-70 today, 68 yesterday. How much more difficult was today as opposed to yesterday?

RAFA CABRERA BELLO: Well, clearly the wind has picked up significantly. That has made it really hard. I mean, this course, if you don't find the fairways you're playing -- I don't know, like the most difference that you can ever play. With the wind picking up, it definitely makes the fairways relatively smaller.

I also felt the greens have got maybe a smidge quicker and a bit firmer, but I also felt like some of the pins were a little bit tougher, harder to access today. Obviously more of what a U.S. Open setup that you would expect.

I'm sure the weekend is going to be very challenging.

Q. You've had top 10s in the PGA and in the Open Championship. You've got a top 20 in the Masters. How much more challenging has the U.S. Open been for you?

RAFA CABRERA BELLO: Yeah, it's a tournament I do like. I tend to be a grinder, as well. I never give up. I keep fighting. I have played some great rounds in the U.S. Open, at Pebble Beach, at Shinnecock, as well, so I've been not quite able to finish as high up as I would have liked to, but I mean, it is different. Definitely it's a major that tests your patience beyond limits and your mental strength, as well, to accept the fact that you're going to hit some great shots and going to end up making bogeys, and you just have to accept that sometimes two or three bogeys in a row is not as bad as it looks.

I mean, I'm managing well this week. I played really good golf yesterday. I putted beautifully today, so I'm very happy with my performance so far.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101579-1-1222 2020-09-18 17:04:00 GMT

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