U.S. Open Championship 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Shane Lowry

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice way to finish with two birdies in three holes there.

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I sort of thought I needed to get to 5 today to make the cut. We played the last, and I hit a great drive down the 9th and sort of had a look at the scoreboard and what the weather is doing, and I think 6 might have a chance.

I'd be happy to make it go from where it was because I played lovely today. I actually played okay yesterday as well, but I bogeyed 18 and the first today, which is my 9th and 10th. To be honest, the wind was out of my sails then, and I thought that was it, done. It's so hard to make three birdies out there. It's getting really hard out there. It's quite windy, and the greens are firming up.

Look, I'll have a long afternoon sitting back, watching TV, praying for guys to make bogeys. That's where I'm at now.

Q. The first couple days, was it as tough as you expected or tougher?

SHANE LOWRY: Yesterday was a lot easier than I expected. The course was fine, and I just didn't drive on the fairway. I was very disappointed in myself yesterday because I played great Tuesday, Wednesday, and very happy where my game was at. I showed that today. Like I pretty much played like that today. 70 in those conditions today is actually pretty good.

But, look, you can't really do anything about what happened yesterday. You just kind of need to move on and hopefully get a shot at the weekend, and I can chip away at these numbers.

Q. Positives coming out of the first two -- to take away from the first two days?

SHANE LOWRY: The positives are today, but I tripped myself up at the start of the week. Not the start of the week, but yesterday, I went in, and I started my usual when I start playing bad. I start trying too hard and start getting pretty annoyed out there. I struggle.

To be honest, look, not that I'm making excuses, I've just had a long stint away from home, and I'm just ready to get home at this stage and ready to get back to my family. Hopefully, I get two more days, but if not, I'll get a flight tonight or tomorrow.

Look, it is what it is, but I did trip myself up the first day anyway.

Q. Irish Open next event. What's your travel arrangements? They're wondering will you get to the course in time?

SHANE LOWRY: They're looking to trip me up in there. I don't want to -- don't even mention that.

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