U.S. Open Championship 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Matthew Wolff

Quick Quotes

Q. Matt Wolff, even par through 36 holes. Ups and downs out there through that 36, but if I said that to you on Wednesday, you would have said what?

MATTHEW WOLFF: I'd be very happy with it. Yeah, like I said, if you told me that on Wednesday I was going to be even par for the first two days, I would take it in a heartbeat. The greens are starting to firm up a little. They're starting to get baked out.

I did hit the ball well today. I think I was really pleased with how I hit the ball, how I putted. Even my short game is -- I really feel like I didn't give up too many shots, but it's the U.S. Open. It's those little breaks. Instead of being in the first cut, you're in the primary rough. Instead of being in the fairway, you're in the first cut. It's just little things like that that can significantly change your score.

Q. By watching and listening, what would you say is the biggest difference between yesterday and today? Hole locations maybe, or is it conditions?

MATTHEW WOLFF: The hole locations were definitely a lot harder today. They were more in bowls, which you could argue would be easier because it's a smaller section to get it into, so if you do get it in, you won't have as long of a putt, but it is a lot harder to get it in that area.

I would just say the conditions. Like I said, the greens are starting to firm up. The afternoon is going to have it really tough. And the wind -- the wind was not only out of a different direction, but it was also blowing about three times as hard as yesterday.

So the rough is still really thick. I don't think they're planning on cutting it. The greens are only going to get firmer, and the scores are only going to get higher.

So I'm just going to keep a good attitude, and like I said, I'm really pleased with where I'm at.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101588-1-1182 2020-09-18 18:32:00 GMT

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