U.S. Open Championship 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Connor Syme

Quick Quotes

Q. Was it as tough as you anticipated or was it tougher?

CONNOR SYME: I think it was as tough as I expected. I just didn't drive it anywhere near well enough yesterday, and then today I actually played well but I actually putted really, really poorly for two days. I think I made one putt outside five feet really. That was it, one time. So that was my weakness for sure. On a couple of days where you're going to be out of position a few times, you're going to have to make some putts, and I actually just didn't hole anything.

Kind of go away and work on that. Really that's my takeaway from the last two days. The greens are really more challenging than probably what we play back home, so something to learn from definitely. That's all I'm trying to do all the time; if I've not played well, it's something to learn and try and get better for next time.

Q. How much tougher was the setup today compared to yesterday?

CONNOR SYME: Yeah, definitely it played tougher. I actually played a lot better today. I drove it nice, again, just couldn't buy a putt. That was kind of the story of the two days. But yeah, played a lot better today for the same score, so that's sort of an indication how much harder it's playing today. I can't imagine there will be too many low scores. I think there's going to be a 3-under round, which is absolutely great, a great score. So no, tough couple of days, but great learning experience for sure.

Q. If you could just tell me about your upcoming schedule; any major championships coming up?

CONNOR SYME: Well, I'm going to be heading back home now back to Europe, so a good Irish Open next week and then hopefully the Scottish Open after that. So there's a few big events certainly in Europe and then kind of leading into the end of the season is kind of a stretch of -- that's the next few, and yeah, just knuckle down.

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101589-1-1002 2020-09-18 18:44:00 GMT

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