U.S. Open Championship 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Davis Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. Davis Thompson here. Talk to me a little bit about your first U.S. Open experience.

DAVID THOMPSON: It was awesome. I just got off to a bad start today, and I never really got it back today. It was just awesome. Winged Foot is such a historic place, and to have my first U.S. Open here is really special.

Q. What were your emotions like yesterday? You had the lead for a little bit. Talk to me about that.

DAVID THOMPSON: Yeah, it was really fun. I kept hitting fairways and hitting greens and making putts. It was kind of going pretty smoothly. Yeah, at least I can brag to my friends that I had the lead in the U.S. Open for a little bit.

Q. Overall, a different summer for everyone, but how would you evaluate your playing experiences this summer?

DAVID THOMPSON: I'd say pretty good. I'd probably give myself a B-plus. Still got a lot of work to do my last year at Georgia, and I'm just excited to get back with my teammates. Maybe, hopefully, the cut will drop back to 7 over, so we'll see.

Q. Anything else that you think you're going to take away from the past two days?

DAVID THOMPSON: It's just a big learning experience for me. Just trying to take everything I learned this week going forward, and I think that will really help me out in the future.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101603-1-1182 2020-09-18 22:10:00 GMT

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