U.S. Open Championship 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Robert MacIntyre

Quick Quotes

Q. Looking back on the three rounds, what have been the positive so far?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: I'm actually playing all right. I'm just not scoring great so far.

Q. Talk a little bit about the money you're raising for McNeese University in Louisiana for hurricane relief, $3,500 per birdie. How proud are you of this, and how hard is it to get birdies out here?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: It's something that I have just decided to do. Two weeks before I was coming out here, I just decided we were going to do it. I got a few folk on board, my sponsors.

Some folk down there in Louisiana, lake Charles especially, haven't got much left. It's all been flattened. For me, I'm just trying to raise as much money as I can and trying to enjoy myself.

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101630-1-1182 2020-09-19 17:51:00 GMT

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