U.S. Open Championship 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

John Pak

Quick Quotes

Q. You had it going for a little while and then you had a little stretch there?

JOHN PAK: Yeah, once you get it going bad, it can get really ugly out here. I wasn't hitting that bad of shots, but out here you kind of have to hit good shots to be in good position to score. I just kept -- I didn't putt well, and I just hitting it in bad areas. Can't really score that way.

Q. Despite the fact you didn't shoot the number you wanted today, you're going to be low am no matter what happens tomorrow. How cool is that and can you describe this experience?

JOHN PAK: Yeah, I'm honored. I played a very good first two days. Yesterday was just okay, but the first day I played great, and it feels good to know that I at least have one good round that I competed with some of the best players in the world. I'm so honored to be the low am for this week.

Q. What do you take into tomorrow? Obviously it's going to be similar to today, going to be cool. Do you want to go out with a bang tomorrow and get a little bit lower, put a better number on that low am --

JOHN PAK: Yeah, definitely. I want to prove to people that I didn't just have one good day and show that I could -- I've worked hard to become the player I am today, and just want to put up a good number and just prove to people that I can play some golf.

Q. Obviously the uniqueness of not having the fans here is a bummer because you can't have your family and friends. Obviously a special experience for you here, but how difficult is it not to have everybody here? You would have had a pretty big group here I'm assuming.

JOHN PAK: Yeah, all my family members would have came. They're my biggest supporters, so it would have been nice to have them cheering me on, but it is what it is. COVID-19 has been rough for everyone, so just got to deal with it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101639-1-1002 2020-09-19 19:50:00 GMT

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