U.S. Open Championship 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Louis Oosthuizen

Flash Interview

Q. 2-under 68; Louis, always nice to shoot under par at a U.S. Open. How do you feel today?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Yeah, any under-par round at a U.S. Open you'll take. I think we got very lucky with the draw today. Waking up this morning, watching a bit of golf, you could see it was really cold, windy, and definitely died down for us. The sun came out a little bit. Definitely lucky on the draw today.

Q. You've had the experience before as a major champion coming from behind, winning a major. How is that going to help you tomorrow?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Yeah, I mean, I need to play pretty similar to what I did today. You need to hit fairways. I think everyone out there now, especially on this golf course, knows you need to be patient. A lot can happen even in the last two, three holes, so try and get yourself in a position with three, four, five holes to go and see what you can do.

Yeah, just need to go out and play some good golf tomorrow.

Q. Knowing the conditions are going to be similar tomorrow, what did you learn today that will help you tomorrow?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Pretty similar to the other days, just hit fairways. This golf course, you can't play it out of the rough. You need to be in the fairway even though if you're a little further back, and from there you can do something.

Q. How does the firmness compare to other U.S. Opens you've played?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: You know, fairways are great speed. They're running, and the greens are getting -- they are getting a little bit shiny, but it's still good. Some holes you can attack a little bit more. But yeah, I think they've done an unbelievable job with the greens this week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101656-1-1222 2020-09-19 21:44:00 GMT

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