U.S. Open Championship 2020

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Erik Van Rooyen

Quick Quotes

Q. Good playing, even par, low round today so far. How difficult do you think that will be to replicate for the leaders or even better?

ERIK VAN ROOYEN: You've got to -- yeah (laughing), it's Winged Foot; it's playing obviously really hard. It's cooler. The ball is not flying quite as far and the wind is up and the greens are starting to get really crusty. I think someone could go 1- or 2-under, but even par is pretty good.

Q. Talk me through the round, birdies on 4, 10 and 12.

ERIK VAN ROOYEN: Yeah, 12 was just a great drive, good 3-wood, front edge, good two-putt. Pin is in a really tough spot, so it was a nice little two-putt there.

10, probably shot of the day. I'll be surprised if anyone gets closer to that hole location. Hit it to about four feet.

4, I made a 30-footer. Again, quite a tricky pin location right front there. It's tough to get close. The wind was a little in off the right, and I hit a high fade 9-iron and it still released about 20 paces. It's just tough to get close to them.

Q. How much of a factor was the wind today?

ERIK VAN ROOYEN: Definitely more so than the first few days, I thought. So yeah, guys sort of teeing off now, it's going to be fun.

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101690-1-1002 2020-09-20 17:56:00 GMT

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