U.S. Open Championship 2020

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Tony Finau

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you give us an overall assessment of your week?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, I thought it was a solid week. I felt like I let the wrong get away from me a little bit yesterday. I played pretty good. I felt like yesterday was the day to score. Some of those pins down the stretch you could make birdies, and I wasn't able to do that, so it just put me in a position where I was fighting to have a good finish. I think yesterday if I finished different I could do something special today and maybe shoot a couple under and have a chance. But overall I played pretty solid all week. You don't have to be very far off on this golf course, as everybody knows when they set up a U.S. Open, but especially here at Winged Foot, and I wasn't. I hit so many great putts the last couple days that I thought I made that didn't go in, and sometimes that's the rub of the greens.

But a lot of positives to take from this week. I'm happy with just the way I finished.

Q. What are your expectations for the new PGA TOUR season?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, I mean, I have high hopes I feel like for this upcoming season. I'm playing some good golf and I have been playing some solid, consistent golf. I think I've learned a lot about myself through my first six seasons on TOUR. My favorite number is seven. I'm just starting my seventh season on TOUR. This is my first event. Maybe that's going to bring me some fortune during the season.

Q. Thoughts on the November Masters?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, I'm excited for it. It's obviously going to be a lot different. I don't think there's going to be any matches that's been like it ever played, just not only the time that it's being played but no fans, or no patrons as they like to call it at Augusta. It's going to be different. I have a great record there. I know what it takes to contend there, having seen Tiger win there last year in the final group, so I'm going to crank my game up and get it ready for Augusta National.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101693-1-1002 2020-09-20 19:51:00 GMT

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