U.S. Open Championship 2020

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Louis Oosthuizen

Flash Interview

Q. 3-over 73; Louis, how do you look at today?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Yeah, I mean, I think probably have to look at the finish more than anything else. Finishing third in a major is always great. Yeah, I mean, it was going to be tough. You could see early on what Bryson and Matt were going to do, and Bryson is playing his own little golf course at the moment. But yeah, I mean, this golf course definitely showed its teeth today with the firmness of the greens and the fairways and the wind, and it was just tough.

Q. Can you think of any course that doesn't fit that style of game? We made the argument that his style of play doesn't fit this because he was a little wayward off the tee and he couldn't play from the rough. That doesn't seem to be the case.

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: You know what, I think he's busy setting his own little way of playing, in the sense of I don't think they can set it up for him, to be honest, without really doing some -- I don't know what they can do really because he's hitting it so far. He's so strong out of the rough. You know, and he's probably one of the best putters out there, which a week that he really putts well, you're going to have a lot of trouble.

But yeah, it's great to see. Hats off to him for what he's doing. He went out on this journey, and he's pulling it off. He's playing great golf.

Q. Did you feel like you played well enough to win? If you take him out of the equation?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Probably today not, although it was really tough today. But yeah, if you take him out, I'm right up there, but you know, if you take him out, then probably a little bit more nerves and stuff coming down the stretch, so there's a lot of things that could go different then. But yeah, you could see early on that I was looking behind me, just the two second shots they hit on the 1st into that hole location today was unbelievable shots. So early on I could see the type of golf they were going to play, and I needed to step up a little bit. Again, hitting fairways out here for me was crucial, and I just didn't do it all the time.

Q. What's next for you going forward?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: I'm playing Jackson, Mississippi, and then Vegas, so I've got a week off.

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101734-1-1002 2020-09-20 21:59:00 GMT

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