U.S. Open Championship 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Steve Allan

Quick Quotes

Q. Congratulations on making the field. A long time seeing you in a major. Did you ever feel like this time would never come again?

STEVE ALLAN: Probably part of me did, but I think I've played well enough in enough Monday qualifiers that I always thought I had a chance if I could just get the game in the right shape and hole a few putts.

Q. What are your hopes for the week?

STEVE ALLAN: I just want to try and play well. Obviously it's pretty basic, but if you play well, the rest of the stuff takes care of itself. That course is long and hard out there, so it will be interesting.

Q. Was there something in your game that clicked that helped you get here?

STEVE ALLAN: On the day, I putted really well. I think I managed my game really well. I didn't really strike the ball that well, but my putting -- in the end I holed a good putt to make a playoff and then a good putt to win the playoff, so that has to be it.

Q. How are the confidence and excitement levels being back on the big stage?

STEVE ALLAN: Yep, definitely very excited. Enjoying it. My son is caddying for me. The rest of the family are going to be out here. I haven't had -- my kids are all 10 -- my youngest son is 10, so he hasn't seen me play in a big tournament like this before.

Q. What's the key to having a good week and contending at Torrey?

STEVE ALLAN: I think obviously putting everywhere, but I think keeping the ball in the short grass is going to really help because if you get in the rough you're in a lot of trouble.

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