U.S. Open Championship 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Yuka Saso

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Welcome back, everyone. We have a very special guest, our Women's U.S. Open champion Yuka Saso. You had a big day here today. Talk us through what you did already.

YUKA SASO: First, thank you for having me. Yeah, we arrived around 10:00 a.m., and I went to the driving range to find Rory, but I found out he was on the golf course. So we went to the golf course and walked with him for three holes.

He let me go inside the ropes. That was really great. I talked to him about things. I can't share it with you guys. I want to keep it with me.

Yeah, I saw Phil activating his calves, and yeah, I saw Jordan Spieth. I saw the great players. It's been a great day, and I'm thinking to come back tomorrow morning before I fly back to Atlanta.

Q. What has the last week and a half been like for you?

YUKA SASO: It's been great, busy at the same time. It's been surreal. I just enjoy it.

Q. Compare your nerves meeting Rory today compared to making the putt at the U.S. Women's Open. Which made you more nervous?

YUKA SASO: Meeting Rory. Yeah, I was more nervous. I didn't know how to say hi. But he was so nice. He was so kind. He was so open. When I asked him a question, he was so honest. I hope I can ask him more advice.

Q. Have you thought about that moment before and what you would have said?

YUKA SASO: Yes. But I forgot everything.

Q. Did he give you any tips on your swing?

YUKA SASO: He said I swing it good. But yeah, maybe I can ask him someday about any tips about my swing.

Q. Did he share any tips on how to handle all the fame that you're getting now?

YUKA SASO: I only followed him for three holes, and I didn't really want to bother him. It's a very important tournament. Maybe someday if he has the free time, if we can talk maybe more, then I will ask him.

Q. What are your plans between now and the KPMG? When do you leave for Atlanta?

YUKA SASO: Of course I'll have to focus on my practice starting maybe tomorrow or maybe the day after tomorrow. Yeah, I need to focus on my tournament.

Q. And you go tomorrow?


Q. Can you talk about your impressions of standing on the driving range and watching all the players hit their towering drives and just being at the U.S. Open in general?

YUKA SASO: First I was -- okay, seeing them hitting like so far, I couldn't even see the start because in women's golf the ball speed is around 140, 145. Here it's like -- it's so fast that I can't see them halfway. I saw Phil teeing off from 1.

There's a bunker left and right, and I heard it's like 260. For us it's like not reachable, right, and he just hit it -- like went over it. For them it feels short, but for us it's so long.

Yeah, it feels weird.

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