U.S. Open Championship 2021

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Adam Scott

Quick Quotes

Q. Where is your game and confidence levels entering the third major of the year?

ADAM SCOTT: I actually feel like coming off Memorial I did some nice work here in southern California on the game last week, so the confidence is up from where I finished at Memorial, which is a good thing. Obviously the results have been few and far between, but I feel really good about where the ball-striking has kind of found itself, and that's what's been letting me down.

Q. What's the key to scoring well and contending around Torrey?

ADAM SCOTT: Well, it is always advantageous playing from the short grass and hitting greens. I think more than most places we play on TOUR, somewhat like Riviera, if you're greens in regulation you're way in front of the game because it's tricky around the greens and it's tough putting, too. Easy pars at a U.S. Open sound good.

Q. Do you have a particular game plan, and do you expect this to be a typical U.S. Open where scoring is tough?

ADAM SCOTT: Scoring is going to be tough. I think it's possible that you see, like often at a U.S. Open, a big dispersion in scores. I think there's good scores out here, but you've got to be playing incredibly well tee to green.

Q. It is pretty tough going for the Aussies at the PGA. Do you expect a bounce-back?

ADAM SCOTT: I really don't know how everyone else is feeling, but I certainly was disappointed at the PGA. I've worked hard the last month or so to kind of get myself in a place where I believe I can contend and win this major.

Q. Did Queensland pride take a pounding in Origin One?

ADAM SCOTT: Absolutely. Cam Smith and myself and Jason, we're kind of keeping quiet at the moment around Matt Jones and his New South Walesmen.

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108809-1-1002 2021-06-16 18:25:00 GMT

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