U.S. Open Championship 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Patrick Rodgers

Flash Interview

Q. Patrick Rodgers, 1-under 70. You got off to a hot start today. What was working well?

PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, I played great. I really took advantage of those first 13 holes. It's kind of a dream start in a U.S. Open. I drove it great, put the ball in positions to score and felt very comfortable over the putter. Made a few four- or five-footers to kind of keep some momentum going in my round. I really felt like I played decently coming in, but just playing a U.S. Open, you're sometimes a bounce away or a lip-out away from a tough hole or a tough situation, but that's just sort of part of this event. Kind of have to take it in stride, and if I bring the kind of game that I brought today the next three days, I should have a great chance.

Q. So many U.S. Opens where it sounds like it's going to be death and torture for four days. Did you have any expectations in terms of how it would play, not necessarily how you would play?

PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, I love the challenge of a U.S. Open. I mean, of course it always has to be up to that edge to get it as difficult as it is. It's probably the most difficult championship that we play. But I love that challenge. I feel like the tougher the golf course, the better it suits my game, and so I get excited for stuff like this.

As far as gearing up, it just takes like a massive dose of patience, knowing that it could be a rough start, there could be a rough stretch in the middle, a rough finish, and it's just part of playing this championship. Just got to hang in there.

Q. What's the patience like in the rough part?

PATRICK RODGERS: My patience I would say has gotten better this year. I have a five month old, and so that's sort of a nice dose of daily patience, kind of seeing things through a difference lens, which is nice. But yeah, it wasn't the finish that I had in mind standing on the 14th tee, but like I said, it's part of playing out here, and I'm super confident in my game, and so I'm excited to keep going forward.

Q. You talk about the dream start through 13; what happened after that? Was that more of a byproduct of just the golf course getting more difficult or you just didn't play well?

PATRICK RODGERS: It's just inevitable that things are -- a bounce here or a bounce there isn't going to go your way. I hit a decent approach shot into 14 that went over the green by a yard into a really difficult lie and hit a bunch of great putts coming in that lipped out. It was just part of it. Yeah, I feel like the way the golf course is set up, there are some scorable holes. There are some scorable moments, if you're putting the ball in position, which I like, but you've just got to hang in there on those rough stretches.

Q. You've played here several times in January, and it seems like it's been hit or miss, really good or miss the cut. What do you like or dislike about this course and can you take anything from that experience this week?

PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, the weeks I've struggled I've played poorly on the North Course. I've always played well on the South Course. I feel very comfortable. It's obviously very demanding, but it kind of requires a similar skill set throughout the round.

Most holes are similar with bunkers on both sides, long rough, and you're hitting driver on pretty much every hole. I feel like that suits my game. I've always putted well on poa annua, going to school sort of in the neighborhood, and so yeah, I feel like it's a place that suits my game.

The weeks where I've struggled, I've struggled on the golf course we're using as the range this week.

Q. So most guys might be excited if we told them they could play one round over there, like tomorrow you could switch and play --

PATRICK RODGERS: No, I feel like I have an advantage on the South, so this suits me just fine.

Q. Do you think there's much difference between the course in January and the course now, or pretty similar golf courses?

PATRICK RODGERS: I think there's a massive difference. It's playing way shorter, but the fairways are much narrower because you're getting so much run-out. I had a yardage today into 15 that I don't think I've ever had, even from one tee up. That's the tee we play in January. And I had gap wedge to a back pin.

I mean, 18 is playing as short as it's ever played, and so yeah, just warmer, fierier. It's going to be a great championship.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108848-1-1002 2021-06-17 21:19:00 GMT

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