U.S. Open Championship 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Louis Oosthuizen

Quick Quotes

Q. 4-under, tied for the lead right now. Talk me through a little bit about the round and how the course was playing today.

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Yeah, I mean, I think it was a little bit of moisture in the greens, so definitely still a few holes you can get it close to the pins. That fog this morning probably kept the greens a little cool. The last few holes, as well, you can attack it a little bit more. You can feel the firmness of the greens. It's getting a little firmer. But yeah, I played nicely, putted nicely and hopefully just keep the momentum going.

Q. What is it about this championship that you're usually always right up there a lot of times?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: I don't know. I just enjoy playing really tough golf courses. I think somehow I focus a little bit better when I play those courses, knowing that the margin for error is really small. Especially around this place, you've got to drive it well, you've got to start it in the fairway, and you're going to have trouble if you're missing fairways around this golf course and I've really been driving it good lately.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108868-1-1002 2021-06-18 03:07:00 GMT

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