U.S. Open Championship 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Jon Rahm

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you just talk about your overall thoughts on your round of golf today?

JON RAHM: Well, I'm going to say, any time in a U.S. Open you're under par it's a great start and today was just that. It was a bit of up-and-down start, a lot of birdies and bogeys, and that's what happens at a golf course like this. I was hitting good shots, it's just bogeys can happen quickly. Greens get a little bumpy and making putts can be difficult. But after, yeah, I believe I was bogey-free from 16 on, which it was really good golf. Even the misses were missed in the right spot and difficult ones I made up-and-down. Overall, really solid, I feel like it got better as the day went on, which is kind of what you want. So hopefully tomorrow I can keep this good game going.

Q. How important was it to finish your round today and not have to come back in the morning?

JON RAHM: Huge. I mean, even 20 minutes difference on sleep, when you're going from late to early, I mean, it is less than a 12-hour turn around and you got to include the warm-up, the cool downs. Sometimes you wish you had a couple extra minutes and by finishing today we get that. So it's a big difference.

Q. What are you looking forward tomorrow most?

JON RAHM: Well, I'm looking forward to hopefully a little bit more moist greens in the morning, like they had today and be able to attack some of the pins, especially starting on the front nine. So hopefully, if it's not too windy, the weather conditions were like they were this morning, we can get off to a good start and keep it going all day.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108871-1-1044 2021-06-18 03:23:00 GMT

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