U.S. Open Championship 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Louis Oosthuizen

Quick Quotes

Q. Your feelings about sharing the lead here after the first round?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Good. Good so far. Lots of golf left, but a good start. Just want to focus on the second round.

Q. When you make a couple of par putts like that to start the day, does that set the tone for the day?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Yeah, I'm glad I didn't have to do that last night with greens being a lot bumpier in the afternoon. That was one of the reasons I didn't want to hit that long putt yesterday, but it was probably a bit faster this morning than it would have been last night, but I couldn't see anything last night.

Yeah, those two putts take a lot of confidence out of that coming into this next round.

Q. Is there any advantage to coming out and playing a couple of holes as opposed to getting more sleep?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: No, I'd rather have had an hour more sleep.

Q. And finally, obviously you had good fortune in this championship. All that experience, how does that play into how you continue here?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: I think I still need to get myself in a good spot Sunday, and hopefully then I'm going to have a good day. A lot of -- like I said, this golf course, there's a lot of things that can go sideways quickly. So you need to keep focus and play well, and be calm.

With a U.S. Open, I know you've got to be so patient. So just knowing that everyone is going to make mistakes, and just try and do as well as you can.

Q. Is it still just fairways and greens out here to keep yourself out of trouble?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Yeah, I think the big thing is where your bad shot finishes. Never short side yourself around these greens. You're going to struggle to give yourself a decent chance for par. We've been sort of doing that really good. Whenever we missed the green, we missed it on the right side, and that's huge around this golf course.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108875-1-1182 2021-06-18 14:46:00 GMT

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