U.S. Open Championship 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Taylor Pendrith

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you sum up today's round and how you felt about it?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I played really good today. Drove it really well. I probably only missed a few fairways and had a lot of wedges in. I putted average, I'd say, and just made an untimely bogey on 17, which kind of stings. But yeah, a couple sloppy mistakes this week, but overall I thought I played really good today.

Q. What about the overall experience here for the first two rounds up to this point?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, it was great. I think it's a lot more fun with spectators, and I've played with them for the last year and it was awesome, but it's a different amount of spectators. Hearing the roars and cheers it makes it more fun. So yeah, it was a really good two days.

Q. Where do you go now? What's the next steps for you?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I'm just going to keep trying to get better and play -- I've got a Korn Ferry TOUR event next week in Maine and I think I've got eight or nine events left on the Korn Ferry TOUR and mix in a couple PGA TOUR events, and yeah, get ready for September.

Q. Do you ever feel you don't get enough credit for the rest of your game? Everyone seems to focus on how far you hit it, but do you think the rest of your game should get more attention, too?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, I think maybe -- I mean, my wedge game I think is usually pretty good. It might get overlooked a little bit because I have wedges in almost every hole, I think. I think out here I hit wedge into almost every par-4. I hit wedge into 6 and wedge into 15 today. Maybe that and maybe my putting a little bit.

I feel like I've gotten a lot better at putting and have a lot more confidence. It can be streaky at some times, but overall I think those are probably the two things. When I'm driving it well, I think everything kind of comes together.

Q. What will it feel like to go play a Korn Ferry TOUR event after playing out here?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: It'll be a lot easier and hopefully make some more birdies, but yeah, the rough will be shorter, I'm sure, in Maine. But you know, it was awesome to be here and a really cool experience. I played really well. Probably a shot short, but it's all good.

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