U.S. Open Championship 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Patrick Rodgers

Quick Quotes

Q. Patrick, two birdies on the front nine, two bogeys on the back nine. Talk about the key shots you had in your round today that got you to even par.

PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, I started off beautifully there on the back nine. Watching this morning, I knew how difficult it was. Those first few holes were the toughest stretch. I even made some good swings that I felt like didn't get rewarded, and then kind of stumbled a little bit and lost some momentum. Bogeyed 16, hit one in the hazard on 17, and then didn't birdie 18.

So I really did a good job to stay very patient, hang in there, and grind out a good round. I knew there was some scorable chances on the front nine as I was finishing, and I was proud of the way I hung in there.

Q. Right now in this moment, you're four out of the lead headed into the weekend. How do you feel about that position in the field?

PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, I feel great. I feel like my game is built for difficult major championships. I've always played well on the tougher golf courses. I love this golf course. I've had some success at Torrey Pines. So, yeah, I feel lucky to have a chance going into the weekend, and I'm looking forward to taking advantage of it.

Q. You're saying your game is built for a major championship. Are there one or two elements of your game you're going to rely on headed into the weekend?

PATRICK RODGERS: I'm driving it really well, putting the ball in play, hitting it a long ways, taking some of these driving holes and turning them into scoring opportunities. That's a big asset. I can come into the green with a little bit more spin, be slightly more aggressive to some of these hole locations, and I've always putted really well on poa annua, and obviously that's an advantage on these super fast slopy greens.

Q. So you've had some previous U.S. Open experience. What are you going to draw on from those previous experiences that's going to help you play your best golf this weekend?

PATRICK RODGERS: In both U.S. Opens I've played, I've been in good positions at different points in the weekend and had some tough stretches over the weekend. So I just know this golf tournament, it just feels so much longer than every other golf tournament we play. So just patience is really the key, and I know it's cliche and a lot of players are going to say that, but it's truly a test of mettle and who can kind of take the most body blows and still hang in there. So that's going to be the game plan for the weekend.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108928-1-1002 2021-06-19 01:14:00 GMT

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