U.S. Open Championship 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Collin Morikawa

Quick Quotes

Q. Could you just walk us through the round today.

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Yeah, it was pretty boring, for the most part, which is sometimes good. I wanted to make a little bit bigger of a move today. Sometimes you're not hitting shots as close as you want. Overall, it's a solid day. Still take a 1-over 70.

Q. Conditions today, how were they versus round 1 and 2?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: I think, when it's hotter like yesterday was and you get a little more wind, the greens dry up a little bit more. You had some shots that were bouncy, but some of them stopped. You just have to figure out what the greens were doing because that really makes a difference on certain pin locations whether you can attack them or not.

Q. Game plan tomorrow now that you've been able to improve since round 1?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Just go out and play my own game, stick to the game plan I've been doing. The game plan still is going to reward birdies. There are still a lot of birdie holes out there. You've got to make sure you put yourself in the fairway, make sure you're sticking to the lines you're deciding on. For the most part, go out and keep doing what I've been doing.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108988-2-1182 2021-06-19 23:35:00 GMT

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