U.S. Open Championship 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Christiaan Bezuidenhout

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you talk me through your round and how you feel the course played differently today?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, just a couple of tees that they moved back today. It played a bit longer, two of the par-5s played a bit shorter, as well. Actually found the greens a little bit slower than yesterday, but definitely a lot firmer. I struggled a bit with my speed on the greens, so I've got to try and sort that out. Yeah, overall the course played really good.

Q. Birdie on 18, does that help give you momentum going into tomorrow?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah. I mean, unfortunately I went in the hazard left and my ball bounced in the middle of the fairway, and it bounced left and it kept on going left and ended up in the hazard, so it was nice to finish off with a birdie on the last. Keeps the momentum going into tomorrow.

Q. You're currently T8. Do you feel this course gives you an opportunity to make a move up the leaderboard tomorrow?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, if I keep hitting it like I did today. I was driving it well today. If I can hit it like that and just make a couple more putts, then yeah, we can finish off.

Q. Is there anything you're going to change in your game plan going into tomorrow?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: No, not at all. I like where my game plan is at. Middle of greens are never going to hurt you on most of the holes. You just give yourself chances. That's a big thing at a U.S. Open and especially here. Just give yourself chances, and yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108989-1-1182 2021-06-19 23:58:00 GMT

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