U.S. Open Championship 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Richard Bland

Quick Quotes

Q. Richard, could you just walk us through your round today.

RICHARD BLAND: Yeah, just I struggled with my irons all day. I drove the ball pretty good, which is what you need to do. I just couldn't take advantage from there, and I didn't really give myself any decent looks for birdies.

That's the U.S. Open. Some days it's just going to beat you up all day, and today was my day.

Q. Course conditions out there, how were they compared to rounds 1 and 2?

RICHARD BLAND: When we played it yesterday in one of the first groups yesterday morning, it was pretty soft, so it was pretty gettable yesterday. You could be a little bit more aggressive. Today, they were a lot firmer, and if you're going to give yourself decent chances, you have to be spot on with your distance control, with your irons, and that's where I fell down today.

Q. Game plan for tomorrow, any changes?

RICHARD BLAND: I'm going to go to the range and try and work on a couple of things. I'm driving the ball pretty good. I've just got to maybe try and be a little more aggressive tomorrow, hopefully get some better numbers. My numbers today weren't great. I never really had sort of good yardage, but yeah, tomorrow's a new day and just put this one down to experience.

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