U.S. Open Championship 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Harris English

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Harris English, 3-under 68. How is the course playing today?

HARRIS ENGLISH: It's good. You can get it if you have the ball on the fairway and then hitting your spots. Pins are tricky, though. They know what they're doing with the pin locations. Some really tough reads out there. I was lucky enough to hit a couple 25-, 30-footers today, just icing on the cake.

It's playing great. I think what Jason Gore has done to this tournament has been awesome. It's a tough test, but it's very fair out there.

Q. Your second straight top ten at a U.S. Open. What do you take out of this week overall?

HARRIS ENGLISH: I love these tournaments. From the U.S. Junior to the U.S. Amateur to now the U.S. Open, I love this golf. It's my mentality, and I think it really suits my game just plodding along, not having to shoot super aggressive and shoot low scores. I love championships and love scores like this. It's been a lot of fun this week.

Q. You talked about the fact that you took some wrong clubs off a couple places early on. That might be the difference between maybe winning this tournament and losing it. Can you just talk about how that affects you now or will affect you in a day or two.

HARRIS ENGLISH: It won't affect me at all. You're in the moment. You're trying to have the best decision at the time it is what it is. I felt like all day today I was expecting a west wind. Especially No. 3. That wind right there was southwest. West is a little off the right, and it was dead end. It is what it is. You're going to miss a club out here. There's not a wide margin of error out here.

Had a couple tough bunker shots today. I can look back on that, getting better at that, if I'm going to look back at something. Those changes you make in the moment, it is what it is. You can't think about that stuff after the fact.

Q. Right now you're two back, but there's been a lot of train wrecks that have happened since you walked from the XM thing to here actually. Double bogeys, bogeys, guys on top of the board. What do you do now between now and the next hour or two?

HARRIS ENGLISH: I'll probably go inside and watch some golf. Anything can happen. Louis is up there, Bryson's up there. You've got a birdieable eagle chance at 18. Anything can happen. I'm going to go check it out, and if need be, start warming up again and get ready for a playoff.

Q. Would you be surprised if you were in a playoff or actually win outright?

HARRIS ENGLISH: Nothing would surprise me. It's late afternoon, Sunday at a U.S. Open. The wind's up. The greens are firm and fast. Anything can happen. I'm going to watch a little golf and see if I need to warm back up.

Q. Talking about Louis, some of us see how effortless he makes the game look at times. We wonder why he doesn't win more. As a peer, what do you see in his game, and do you wonder why doesn't this guy win more often?

HARRIS ENGLISH: It's so hard to win. There's so many good players out here. I had my first win in seven or eight years this year at Kapalua, and it's not easy. You can find things throughout your game that pop up, but until you get in the moment, until you get in the last round of a major down the stretch, you can't practice that, and you can't work on it at home.

Louis is an awesome player. He could for the next five years win four or five majors. It could just happen like that. If the switch flips and he knows he can do it and gets the confidence going, the sky's the limit for that guy.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
109047-1-1002 2021-06-20 22:47:00 GMT

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