U.S. Open Championship 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Christiaan Bezuidenhout

Quick Quotes

Q. Currently Louis is leading the U.S. Open. When you were growing up, was he an identify ol' of yours?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, he was always there. He actually just turned pro when I was kind of starting to play tournament golf; I wouldn't say he was an idol. Ernie Els was an older guy, had won around the world, so everyone looked up to Ernie more. But Louis is a great friend, he's a great player, so yeah.

Q. Thoughts on him as a fellow countryman leading the U.S. Open?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, it's amazing. Hopefully he can pull it through. I may just pack my bags and head back there. Hopefully he can bring it home. He's a solid player.

Q. Overall thoughts about the week for you?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, it was great. I mean, obviously not the finish that I would have liked. Yeah, it's just something that a final round I'm struggling to keep it going. Nothing went my way today. Didn't make a putt today. Yeah, I keep putting myself in position and contending week after week. Yeah, just back to the drawing board now to see where I can improve to take that top 30 into a top 5 or top 10. Yeah, it's a disappointing finish, but all in all, it's a great test, this golf course. It was my first time here, and yeah, I'll definitely be back. I loved it.

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