U.S. Open Championship 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Russell Henley

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you just kind of talk about your mentality coming into the final round tied for the lead?

RUSSELL HENLEY: Yeah, just keep doing what I was doing, just trying to keep hitting fairways, make committed swings and put them on the right side of the hole, and I didn't do that nearly as well today and didn't putt well, either. Tough day, but yeah.

Q. It seemed like a number of players kind of had trouble with some of the holes there in the middle, 6, 7, 8. Was there anything particularly challenging about them today?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I just think they're all long, tough holes. If you don't hit it in the fairway, you're just going to struggle to make a par, and you're just playing defense. They're just -- all of them out there, you've got to be in the fairway.

Q. Can you just tell me about your experience this week in general?

RUSSELL HENLEY: Yeah, I mean, it was definitely cool to be leading going into the final round, but like I've known the whole week, you've got to play 72 holes. Definitely feel like I got better as a player, but yeah, definitely stings to finish like I did.

Q. Can you just tell me about the fans today? The fans all week but especially today.

RUSSELL HENLEY: Yeah, playing with Rory, everybody was just going crazy for him the whole time. It was great to be a part of it, and he's just such an impressive player, I really enjoy playing with him.

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