U.S. Open Championship 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Matthew NeSmith

Flash Interview

Q. Matthew NeSmith, 2-under 68. Can you talk us through your round a little bit today?

MATTHEW NeSMITH: Yeah, I did basically everything you're kind of supposed to do at a U.S. Open. Hit a lot of fairways, hit a lot of greens. Didn't really put myself in harm's way too many times, and when I did, I made eight-footers for par.

Did kind of all the things you're supposed to do and played some really nice golf.

Q. How did the course compare today looking at the practice rounds from earlier this week?

MATTHEW NeSMITH: Yeah, I thought it played pretty much exactly how I thought it would. It was a touch softer than I even expected, but I think that could be a little bit from just the weather or anything like that.

It played about how we thought it was going to. It was nice to know that the practice rounds didn't change, like we didn't find the golf course Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and show up to a completely new one on Thursday, so that was really cool.

Q. You put yourself in a good position after round 1. What are you going to have to do the rest of the week to replicate that?

MATTHEW NeSMITH: Yeah, I'm going to have to do more of the same things. We've been working hard on pretty much all areas of my game. I've been driving it a little bit better the last few months, been putting it a little bit better the last few months. Things have just been working out a little bit. Just keep doing what we're doing, keep chugging along and see where it takes me.

Q. I know you were early out there today, but what were your thoughts on the crowd?

MATTHEW NeSMITH: Yeah, the crowds were great. Boston crowds are rowdy, they love their golf. They're very passionate about this city. It's really cool to see everybody show up excited for golf.

Q. Are you one of those players who does better when the test gets more difficult like when it's a major or when it's a very, very difficult course?

MATTHEW NeSMITH: To be honest with you, I've played good at golf courses that are -- you're supposed to play good, I've played good at places that are supposed to be hard. It's all over for me. For whatever reason, I don't know. But the golf course just seems to suit me. I really like the way it looks. I like the tee balls. I like a lot of things about it. I'm just excited to be here and excited to play some golf, but I think the golf course fits me well.

Q. What did you do on 5 today? That's one of those holes you can drive it on the green or get in a little bit of trouble if you're wayward.

MATTHEW NeSMITH: Yeah, I actually hit driver into a perfect spot. I hit it into the front short right bunker that I had a clear look at the hole, everything you wanted, and hit it up there to about four feet. I was planning on hitting 4-iron until we got up to the tee and just liked driver, felt driver, and just wanted to hit it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121744-1-1002 2022-06-16 16:21:00 GMT

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