U.S. Open Championship 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Callum Tarren

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Callum Tarren, 3-under, 67. I mean, 67 first round at the U.S. Open, you have to be thrilled.

CALLUM TARREN: I'm kind of pinching myself, because like you said, I didn't realize it was on the top of the leaderboard until I pulled that final put on the 9th hole. Just excited with my start, and let's see what the next few days holds.

THE MODERATOR: So I think you were 4-under on the front nine. Did you think that side would be so attackable?

CALLUM TARREN: I think it's a little easier than the back. I started off a little bit shaky. I won't lie, I was nervous.

I had, I think, 25 feet on my first hole and three-putted it, which wasn't great, but then after three or four holes I kind of settled into the round.

Like my caddie just kept saying, fairways, greens, pars are really good, and they are in a U.S. Open. I think I made a birdie on 1 to get to even and then gave it straight back.

I knew there was chances coming in, so I kind of stayed patient and tried to execute the golf shots I had in front of me, and happily I did.

THE MODERATOR: Can you talk us through the eagle on 8?

CALLUM TARREN: That hole is playing downwind today. I managed hit a great drive way down there. 207, I think, to the flag. Second shot was playing downwind. Obviously, that front section of the green is crazy. I was really aware of that.

So I picked a club that was going to fly middle of the green really , and like I say, I hit 7-iron downwind. It flew 200 yards and fed off that slope to the left there, and it was just perfect.

Q. If somebody had told you when you woke up this morning that you would be shooting a 67 and leading the tournament, what would you have said?

CALLUM TARREN: I honestly don't know. That's a good question. I would have said, I'll take it, but, like I say, I think you've stumped me. I honestly can't answer that.

Q. Do you have trouble getting your clubs here, and when did you get them?

CALLUM TARREN: Yeah. I flew from Canada on Saturday. I was at the airport four hours early because people warned me it's a nightmare up there in Toronto.

I got here; no clubs. There was five other players on my flight. They all got golf clubs, so it was the second U.S. Open I've played in and second time no golf clubs.

This time I got them a little bit faster than last. I didn't actually get them until Wednesday in Pebble Beach a few years ago, so that was a nightmare.

Luckily, there was somebody in Canada who went to the airport and gave the airport staff a little kick, and they arrived on Sunday at 2:00 p.m. It wasn't bad.

Q. You played Monday and Tuesday?

CALLUM TARREN: Yeah, I walked around with a wedge on Sunday just to get a feel for the golf course, and then I played -- yeah, I played 18 on Monday, nine, and then nine yesterday.

Q. Who was the friend that -- (Inaudible)

CALLUM TARREN: Just some guys I stayed with last week, the members at St. George's. Tamara her name is, so she hustled them along.

Q. Where did you grow up playing the game, and what you do think it is about your game that clearly does well on this course?

CALLUM TARREN: I grew up in the U.K. My first golf course or golf club was Dinsdale Spa, so I grew up playing there.

I think this golf course has a little bit of a links feel, so I'm used to playing a lot of links golf back home, so I think that's -- yeah, I'm pretty comfortable out here.

You've still got to execute golf shots at all times and be concentrated at all times. I'm just excited about the next few days.

Q. The word earlier in the week was that the Thursday morning golfers would have the best opportunity to score all week. From what you've seen if from what you know is coming, would you agree with that?

CALLUM TARREN: Yeah, definitely. This morning when we teed off, there was not much wind at all. And, obviously, we teed off so early, the greens were a little bit softer, and there wasn't much wind, so I knew that.

I just tried to -- like I say, my caddie kept saying, pars are good, pars are good, and I made a lot of pars, but to have a finish like that just tops the round off, yeah.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you so much.


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