U.S. Open Championship 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Will Zalatoris

Quick Quotes

Q. How did it feel for you out there today?

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah, it's kind of nice now after playing this many majors, I told Ryan and Josh this, that there's kind of a new level of comfort. This place is a beast. The wind right now is not making this any easier. There's some pretty tough pins even for a day like today.

Overall I felt pretty good. Kind of got off to a little bit of a slow start but still felt fine. I just knew I needed to stay patient, which is pretty hard to do, especially for 72 holes in a U.S. Open. But nice to finally shoot under par in a U.S. Open.

Q. Anything work especially well for you today?

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah, I made a bunch of putts coming in. Basically the last seven, eight holes I feel like I didn't miss anything. Kind of bottle that up and keep it going for the next three rounds.

Q. Anything you want to focus on more tomorrow?

WILL ZALATORIS: You could always say hit for fairways. I think I hit nine fairways today, and we really only had one lie that I was able to advance it on the green. Even if I hit 13 out of 14 I'm still probably going to be saying the exact same thing.

Q. Will it be any different for you starting on the back tomorrow?

WILL ZALATORIS: You know, both sides kind of play around the same. They're very different, but I think in difficulty they're around the same. The front you've kind of got to plot your way around a little bit more and the back is just tee it up and let it fly and hopefully it's on the short stuff. Just kind of keep doing what we're doing. Obviously if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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