U.S. Open Championship 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Travis Vick

Quick Quotes

Q. So first U.S. Open for you. What's the experience been like so far?

TRAVIS VICK: It's been incredible, to say the least. I got here early. Really wanted to kind of just take everything in, kind of settle the nerves. So I got to see a bunch of the course. To go out there and shoot even par was an awesome start.

Q. You played a practice round with Scottie Scheffler on Monday. How was that? Were you able to pick his brain at all?

TRAVIS VICK: Before the sectional qualifier, I met with Scottie, and we had lunch, and he was kind of giving me a rundown of the course because he was actually a member at the course we sectional qualified at.

I've had previous encounters with him, so we were just kind of laid-back atmosphere. You know, just kind of cutting up, telling stories, but it was really cool for him to take time to do a practice round with me.

Q. Going off that, it's been a good year for golfers from Texas. Scheffler, Zalatoris, Spieth all doing well. What's it like to see guys from your home state having this kind of success? Does that motivate you, inspire you at all?

TRAVIS VICK: Yes, it does. What Scheffler has done has done nothing but motivate all of us at Texas, and then obviously, what Spieth has done. It's great to see how involved they are with the program as well. Spieth was nice enough to allow us to fly on his NetJets hours after the NCAA Championship.

Scottie has continued to do various things that helped out the program. Before we left for the NCAAs we met with Ben Crenshaw, and he gave us a little download.

All the Texas alums that have done stuff in golf have been super helpful for us.

Q. Lastly, just your thoughts and perspective on the LIV Golf? What's it been like watching all this from your perspective?

TRAVIS VICK: I don't really know anything. I don't know a lot about it. I know there's a lot of controversy that's going along with that so, I probably need to educate myself a little bit more on kind of all the logistics to it, but it definitely seems that it's a pretty big deal just based on what I've seen on TV.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121766-1-1002 2022-06-16 17:49:00 GMT

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