U.S. Open Championship 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Keegan Bradley

Quick Quotes

Q. How was your round today?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, it was fun. It was tough. I had a great time.

Q. Pretty clean card, I think, one bogey, one birdie. How did you feel like you played?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: I played good. I didn't drive it my best but putted really well. I'm pretty happy with that round. It's a lot of buildup, so even par in a U.S. Open is really good.

Q. Is it kind of a thing where first round you just want to kind of stay in it, not just try to do anything too crazy?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, I just want to try to make a million pars. I kind of did that today. I felt really calm, really good. I think the setup this week -- I think the setup of Jason Gore is just unbelievable. It's one of the best I've seen.

Q. What's it like being back in New England?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: It's great. I had a bunch of people out there today and I've done a lot of fun stuff already this week. Some good golf would help that out a lot.

Q. Were you happy with your first pitch?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, I was happy. I was nervous so I was happy that it was over the plate at least.

Q. Do you have a lot of family in town? Do you still have family in Vermont?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, Vermont and the Boston area, so tons of people. We've had a bunch of people come out.

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