U.S. Open Championship 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Luke Gannon

Quick Quotes

Q. First off, just what's this experience been like for you? It's a weekend. You're going to play in the Wichita Open, and now you're here in a major. How cool is that?

LUKE GANNON: It was kind of a win-win situation with that. Just qualifying and stuff. That's why I almost didn't play, but I wanted to, and this week has been great. Didn't play very good today, but front nine was good, so kind of build on that.

It's great to really get out of your comfort zone in this game. Especially as a young professional and try and build on that.

Q. Then how cool is it not only to have another qualifier from Wichita, but you have four players from Kansas in the U.S. Open field. How does that feel?

LUKE GANNON: It's pretty crazy. I grew up with Sam from Wichita, and Andrew and I played against each other and stuff. Gary, obviously.

It's pretty crazy. Kansas has some good golf and a lot of good golf courses, so I would say kind of our class we had some good players. It's definitely cool. We're all out here this week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121777-1-1878 2022-06-16 18:57:00 GMT

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