U.S. Open Championship 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Gary Woodland

Quick Quotes

Q. How did you feel today?

GARY WOODLAND: I played great. I drove the ball well, controlled the iron game really into the greens nicely, and hit some good putts. I hit some good putts that didn't go in, too, so that's exciting, but anytime you are under par to start U.S. Open is a good thing.

Q. Anything that went especially well for you today?

GARY WOODLAND: I just controlled the golf ball well. I've been doing some good things lately and seeing some good things things in practice. It was nice to see it out on the golf course under the gun. Golf course is great. Held up extremely well. It was tough out there. Wind was picking up late. Happy with that.

Q. Anything you want to focus on more tomorrow?

GARY WOODLAND: Just more of the same. Continuing to control the golf ball. Obviously, greens should be a little more receptive in the morning. Hopefully a little less wind. Go out and have a good day.

Q. Lastly, starting on the other end of the course tomorrow, any change in preparation?

GARY WOODLAND: Yeah, nothing changes. It's the same thing. This golf course is very demanding, especially if you get out of place, so keep the golf ball in front of you. Try to get in the middle of the greens because usually that's a pretty good place out here.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121790-1-1002 2022-06-16 23:45:00 GMT

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