U.S. Open Championship 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Max Homa

Quick Quotes

Q. How did you feel out there today?

MAX HOMA: It was good. You know, the weather was really nice in the beginning of the day. The wind picked up, and it got a little more tricky than difficult.

But the greens are just so -- they're crazy, so it's just really hard to leave yourself good looks for birdie. I missed a bunch of putts today, but they just never felt very easy.

I was happy with the finish, and overall I played solid.

Q. Anything that went especially well for you today?

MAX HOMA: I just hit the ball really well. I hit a lot of great mid-irons. I thought I drove the ball really well after the start. The first couple of tee shots weren't great, but then it got pretty locked in for a while. I just felt like the ball striking.

In a U.S. Open, if you can keep getting yourself putts, I think I only missed a couple of greens. That just definitely made it. It felt a little more stress-free.

Q. Going into tomorrow anything you want to focus on a little bit more?

MAX HOMA: I have to get my speed better on the greens. They're very uncomfortable. I just need to be a bit -- I don't know how to make myself comfortable, but just maybe try to find a speed that I like seeing the ball go in at a little more because right now my pace just feels a little bit inconsistent.

Q. Lastly, starting on the back tomorrow. Anything that's going to change for you approach-wise?

MAX HOMA: I think the back is a harder start, personally. Nothing for the approach, but I just think you need to be ready to -- it's going to be a bit more of a fight right out the gates. 10 is really hard. 11 is not bad, but 12 -- I just feel like that back nine starts out punching you a little bit more.

Yeah, it's the U.S. Open. It's always going to be hard.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121792-1-1002 2022-06-16 23:48:00 GMT

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