U.S. Open Championship 2022

Friday, June 17, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Dustin Johnson

Flash Interview


THE MODERATOR: Dustin Johnson, 3-over 73. Dustin, what did you see as the biggest change in the course today?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: The course I felt like played pretty similar. I actually felt like I played a lot better today than I did yesterday. Just didn't hit a lot of really good putts. Just nothing would go in. That's the difference, really.

I hit more fairways, hit more greens, and had better looks. Just didn't make anything.

THE MODERATOR: You've played a lot of U.S. Opens. Talk a little bit about this course specifically in terms of how it's playing for a U.S. Open.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, I think it's set up really nicely. You've got to drive it straight, like any U.S. Open, and the rough is pretty penal. But, yeah, the course is set up where if you play good golf, you can shoot a few under and kind of get it going.

Like I said, I felt like I played better today than I did yesterday. Just shot a worse score.

THE MODERATOR: What will be the focus tomorrow?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, kind of the same thing. I felt like I've got a good game plan for the golf course, and keep giving myself opportunities, and like I said, hit nice putts.

Q. It didn't seem like there was any difference in the way the fans interacted with you. Did you notice any difference, or was it kind of same-old?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: No, fans have been great. Obviously, this is a good sports town, and a lot of people come out and support the event. Yeah, the fans have been great.

Q. This is the first time we've seen you since you played in the first LIV event. How does it feel coming back and seeing all the other golfers, not just the fans? Is there any difference? There's obviously a lot of buzz around who's going and who's not, et cetera.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: No, I mean, I haven't really noticed any difference. Obviously, anytime coming to a U.S. Open, it's a great event. You know it's going to be a good one. Just obviously felt like I'm playing pretty well. Just need to tighten it up just a little bit come the weekend.

Q. Is there any sense of relief now that you've made this decision that obviously must have taken a lot of back and forth? Is there any sense of relief now that you've just made it and you know what your future is a little bit more?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, obviously it was a tough decision, but I feel very confident in the decision I made. Yeah, I'm definitely happy and looking forward to obviously this weekend and the rest of the events this year.

Q. You obviously want to be competing and contending in majors. How sharp do you think you'll be able to remain as a golfer playing on the LIV Tour?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Just as sharp as I would playing anywhere.

Q. Is it a fine line what's the difference, say, between the fall of 2020 when you were winning a lot and in contention every week to now, or is there one thing you can point to that you're just not doing?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, it's really close. I feel like the game is very close to being the same. Playing back then, it felt like every day each round I wasn't giving away any shots.

I haven't really felt like I've given away shots this week. Just like today I had tons of really good looks for birdie, hit a lot of really good putts. Just nothing was going in. That was kind of the difference between yesterday and today.

Q. Seems like it's sort of in some ways an ideal U.S. Open leaderboard in that there's some multi-major winners and some guys who found out on Friday they were going to be here. Are there guys you've never heard of or aren't familiar with?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I mean, the one guy that was leading for a little while, obviously playing well. But it's a U.S. Open, and you get a lot of different players in here. But, yeah, it's cool to see.

Yeah, it always happens here. Obviously, come Sunday we'll see what the leaderboard looks like.

Q. Did you feel any kind of apprehension or tension coming in here coming from LIV Golf Tour?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: No, not at all. I was coming in here, preparing, getting ready to try and win a U.S. Open.

Q. From my understanding, you kind of went through a different process than most of the guys. You used your own personal attorney to go ahead and negotiate your deal. Is there a reason why you do that?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: What do you mean?

Q. Did you use your own attorney to negotiate your deal with LIV?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, David and then -- well, they're both named David. (Laughter.) Yeah, they kind of worked together.

But, obviously, I will always have my attorney. Even when David does a contract, I always have him look through it to make sure everything is how we want it.

Q. Was the timing what you were hoping for, or would you have liked to have been a little earlier in the process?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I mean, it was kind of a little bit back and forth. If anything, I would have liked to have gone just a hair later, but it made sense to go when I did.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121826-1-1878 2022-06-17 17:32:00 GMT

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