U.S. Open Championship 2022

Friday, June 17, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Patrick Rodgers

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Patrick Rodgers, 2-under 68. Patrick, two rounds in the 60s. Off to a good start. Talk to us about your round today.

PATRICK RODGERS: I'll definitely take two rounds in the 60s at a U.S. Open. That's what we talked about yesterday after the round. Just to get it in the red was really huge with a great birdie on 18, and then I was a little scrappy yesterday, and I just wanted to be sharper, put the ball in the fairway a little more, hit the ball in the middle of the greens.

Kind of plowed my way around, and I did an awesome job of that today. It was as stress-free of a U.S. Open round as you can have probably.

It's a fabulous golf course, and it's a great challenge to try to navigate.

THE MODERATOR: Was it a tale of two nines as far as weather-wise? It was windy, and then it eased up in the second.

PATRICK RODGERS: We all expected it to be really windy all afternoon. We got kind of a mix of conditions but for sure once the storms came through, it was beautiful out there and definitely scorable. I tried to take advantage of that.

It's always kind of a balance of being patient, but taking opportunities when they come, and I did a really nice job of that the last nine holes and found myself right in the thick of it.

THE MODERATOR: You're in a great position. What are you going to do over the weekend to replicate that and try to take this thing home?

PATRICK RODGERS: I've been fortunate that I've had a few experiences at the U.S. Open. I've played well in the first couple of rounds at each event, getting a little better each time. I'm really going to try to draw on that experience.

It feels like a U.S. Open is more rounds than a normal golf tournament, so there's just so much that can happen, good, bad, or indifferent.

Yeah, there's just so many things that go on over the course of the weekend, and I think at times my immaturity has lost a little patience, you know, trying to force the issue a little bit on Saturday and Sunday, specifically in the Open.

I'm going to try to do the same thing that I've been doing. I know it's going to feel like a really great opportunity and a big stage, but this is what I play for.

THE MODERATOR: Talk a little bit about the crowds out there today and what are your expectations for this weekend? It's going to get a little rowdy.

PATRICK RODGERS: Nothing beats a Boston crowd. We love coming to the Northeast. I think in the Northeast -- a U.S. Open is really special regardless of where it is, and obviously, there's a lot of history here, and Boston fans are really great.

They've given me a great reception. I know the feature pairings they're really supporting. It's great to play in this environment. It's really, really fun. Feels meaningful.

THE MODERATOR: Great playing, Patrick. Thanks.


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