U.S. Open Championship 2022

Friday, June 17, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Brian Harman

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Brian Harman, 1-under 69. Two rounds in the 60s here at the Open to start. Talk us through your round today.

BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, struck it good. Had just the one kind of tough hole, but yeah, I had a lot of looks.

Greens are tough in the afternoon. It's hard to make putts. It's hard to make long putts.

So really pleased with the way that I finished after the double there on 14 or 15, whatever it was.

THE MODERATOR: Did it feel like there was sort of two nines out there weather-wise earlier in the day? It was obviously windy, and then it calmed a little bit.

BRIAN HARMAN: It was windy, and then it calmed, and then it got windy here towards the end. We had some rain, actually, there to start.

That's just part of New England golf. The weather can change in a heart beat. We're going to see a completely different golf course this weekend.

THE MODERATOR: You put yourself in a good position through the first two rounds. What are you going to have to do this weekend to replicate that?

BRIAN HARMAN: I've just got to keep striking the ball well. The wind is going to flip around, so strategically you're going to have to really think about whenever the wind flips like that is correct the holes are going to be totally different, so I just have to try to figure out how to get my ball in play and get some looks.

THE MODERATOR: What are your thoughts on the Boston crowd out there today, and what can you expect this weekend?

BRIAN HARMAN: They're great, man. I love playing up here. I love -- I think it's beautiful up here. I love being close to the ocean. I love the topography. The fans are great. It's a great place to be.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121844-1-1878 2022-06-17 23:05:00 GMT

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