U.S. Open Championship 2022

Friday, June 17, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Aaron Wise

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Aaron Wise, 2-under 68. Aaron, two rounds of 68 at the U.S. Open. You have to be feeling good about where you are.

AARON WISE: Yeah, two really solid rounds. It's been pretty windy out there. Today we had to play through some rain and all kinds of conditions, and super happy with two 68s to start the tournament.

Q. We didn't get to talk to you pre-championship. What was your first impression of the golf course?

AARON WISE: I love it. Everyone you talk to says that it's a great golf course. It's maybe not as long as most of your U.S. Opens, but I think it makes up for it with how tricky it is and the angles and kind of some quirkiness to it. I think everybody loves it. I love it. I think it's great, and I think the USGA has it right where they want. It's firming up and it's going to make for a great weekend.

THE MODERATOR: Talk a little bit more about what you expect from the course over the weekend.

AARON WISE: Yeah, I don't see any more rain in the forecast. I thought we might get lucky today and get some more rain. We barely got a little bit at the beginning, and it was firm coming down the stretch there. I'm sure it'll be even firmer tomorrow, and you're really going to have to be able to control your ball.

Q. This is what you work for, to be in contention going into Saturday of a major. Where do you think you are in terms of your game and your confidence, and how does this feel?

AARON WISE: I think it's really good. I feel my game is in a spot where all facets of it are pretty good, so if something is a little off I can make up for it with something else. The first two days were an example of that. I feel like I didn't hit the ball all that well yesterday and I scrambled my way around to shoot 68, and today was the opposite. I felt like I hit it great and I left a few out there with the putter and I shot a 68.

I feel like it's in a good spot.

Q. 17 is just known around here, the history there. You birdied it today. Talk a little bit about your strategy on that hole. There's kind of a lot you can do off the tee.

AARON WISE: Yeah, it's a great hole. It gives you a lot of options. Today I was in between 3-wood and hybrid. I try to push it I think a little bit more than most people do. I try to push it out there maybe 270-ish. Most people are kind of laying back to 240, 245. But that's kind of my strategy.

Today I hit a 3-wood into the wind. I pulled it a little bit and got lucky. I covered the bunkers. I was just in the rough there and hit a great chip that actually kind of kissed off the flag and went to tap-in, so I'll take it.

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121846-1-1002 2022-06-17 23:19:00 GMT

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