U.S. Open Championship 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Joel Dahmen

Quick Quotes

Q. Looking back at these last four days of play, how would you assess your overall play, overall game?

JOEL DAHMEN: I can hit it with the best of them. I learned that, especially on a course like this where you have to hit it in the fairway and it's not overly long. I think I was one of the best ball-strikers over the four days.

I always knew I needed to kind of clean up the wedges and the putter if I really wanted to do this, and putter just wasn't quite there. It wasn't bad. It just wasn't good enough to win, especially with the wedges.

But I'm happy with where -- I kind of impressed myself, I guess, in this situation. I hung in there.

Q. U.S. Open, arguably the toughest test in golf. You kind of alluded to it, but what did you learn about Joel Dahmen this week? What did you learn about yourself, about your game?

JOEL DAHMEN: I said this multiple times, where I'm pretty good at golf. I always believed that, but I probably need to believe a little more. You know, being in these moments, especially over the weekend, and I handled myself really well. I felt comfortable out there. I really did. I played well.

So, you know, just a couple of things here or there.

Q. It was a tough weekend, but you led going into it. How much confidence does that give you going into the rest of the season?

JOEL DAHMEN: For sure. I wouldn't say I was in the dumps, per se, but didn't have a whole lot of light at the end of the tunnel. I wouldn't even go that far.

I was maybe going through the motions a little bit, and now I'm looking forward to teeing up next week. My game is right there the way I'm hitting it. If I can just clean up a couple of things with the putter, and yeah, I'm ready to play now. This is fun.

Q. Do not know if you know this, but top ten in ties are exempt into the Open next year at L.A. Country Club. Did you know that on 18 --

JOEL DAHMEN: I had no idea on any of that stuff. He just mentioned that in scoring to me that I might be able to hang on to that. I don't enjoy that 36-hole day.

Q. I don't think anyone does.

JOEL DAHMEN: Now, LACC is a different beast. I played it a couple of years ago, and it was an absolute animal. If I'm still exempt, that's incredible. I will not take a USGA championship for granted anymore. I will continue to try to qualify, that's for sure.

Yeah, USGA did such a great job, and the setup is fun. It's fun. You are here to test yourself against the golf course.

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121898-1-1182 2022-06-19 22:46:00 GMT

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