U.S. Open Championship 2023

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Omar Morales

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Omar Morales, 1-over 71. Can you talk a little bit about the feelings on the first tee today.

OMAR MORALES: Yeah, it was awesome. To hit the first tee shot here at the U.S. Open, at a place and a course so close to home, and having people support me, it was awesome.

Q. How did the course play today in championship conditions compared to how you've played it in the past?

OMAR MORALES: Yeah, definitely a lot firmer and faster. I think the greens sped up a lot, even from yesterday. The rough is as thick as it gets. It's pretty hard I would say.

Q. You got off to a great start, 3-under on the front. There's been a lot of talk about hole 6, which you birdied today. Talk us through hole 6.

OMAR MORALES: Yeah, I always hit driver on 6, just a high, spinny cut. If it lands on the green it stays. If it doesn't, you know, it's either where I ended up today or in either one of the bunkers.

So yeah, I hit a good drive, ended up in a good spot, and got up-and-down for birdie.

Q. What was it like to see your family, obviously your uncle from Spain, your parents from Mexico, and just the support you had out there today?

OMAR MORALES: Yeah, it was awesome. They were cheering, and I saw them quite a lot. I felt great.

Q. In addition to your family, the UCLA contingent out there, too --


Q. Coaches, teammates, all that.

OMAR MORALES: Teammates, and the women's team was out here, as well, so that was great.

Q. Any butterflies?

OMAR MORALES: I mean, definitely on the first tee shot, but I thought I felt pretty comfortable out there. Playing here a lot helps with the butterflies, I guess.

Q. Can I ask about 9. You hit it super close and gave yourself a nice shot. How do you walk away from this round, 1-over in the U.S. Open?

OMAR MORALES: You mean 18? Yeah, overall it was a good round, incredible front. On the back I didn't really feel like I hit that many bad shots.

The drive on 12 was pretty bad, but then the drive on 13 ended up in the rough, was a yard off the fairway. Same with 17.

Just missed two putts that I think I should have made, so not really a lot.

Q. You obviously play here a lot. How was the setup and how did it play today comparatively to how you're used to it playing when you come over for a practice round or competition?

OMAR MORALES: Like I said, a lot firmer. This is probably the fastest I've seen the greens. And yeah, it's just the rough is so penal. Like I had two drives one yard off the fairway and didn't even have a shot close to the green.

So, yeah, the rough is just super penal if you miss a fairway.

Q. How was your night last night? Did you sleep pretty well? What time did you wake up this morning to get here?

OMAR MORALES: I woke up about 4:30, I think, and I slept fine.

Q. What do you do tonight? Do you usually try and get away from it or does the round stick with you and think about missed opportunities and things you can do for tomorrow?

OMAR MORALES: I mean, not really. I played solid overall. I hit it great. I hit my irons great. I missed a couple irons on 11 and maybe another one. I can't really recall any bad iron shots.

Yeah, overall I played pretty well. Just a couple short putts that I think I should have made. I'll go practice that a little bit and then just eat and relax. I have a late tee time tomorrow, so plenty of time.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
133961-1-1041 2023-06-15 19:11:00 GMT

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