U.S. Open Championship 2023

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Matthiew Pavon

Quick Quotes

Q. Just take us through. What club was that?

MATTHIEW PAVON: So that was just, that was just a perfect number. Because it was a full gap. I had nothing to change, just a normal one. Not a three-quarter, not a punch, whatever, it was just a perfect number. With my caddie we agreed that we need to pitch like one or two yards left. And the ball went straight where I wanted. So after like getting that hole-in-one it's just like a bit of luck, but that shot like from the strike to the end was just a perfect shot.

Q. Favorite shot of your career so for, do you think?

MATTHIEW PAVON: Yeah, I think definitely. I don't know how many players have got a hole-in-one in a U.S. Open. It's quite cool to be part of this group of people and it's my first as a professional. So sharing this with the crowd today was just a moment I would never forget.

Q. And you just said you had goose bumps, correct?

MATTHIEW PAVON: Yeah, yeah. I mean, it was just an unbelievable feeling. I'm just seeing now how I reacted because I didn't know I was that emotional. Things happen and I can't remember what I did at that moment, to be fair.

Q. It kind of looked like you reacted to the crowd. Did you actually see it go in or did you just react to the crowd?

MATTHIEW PAVON: No, I reacted to the crowd. The thing is like the hole is just behind the slope so we can't really see it. I just saw the bounce forward and kind of like seeing it was zipping left-to-right. So I knew it was close, but I just, I just heard the crowd getting more and more loud and then I just, I just knew it was in.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
133965-2-1001 2023-06-16 15:16:00 GMT

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