U.S. Open Championship 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Tom Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. You're 2-under today. Great round. You're 1-over for the whole tournament. So just describe the round today. What stood out to you? You had a couple birdies on the front. How was it out there?

TOM KIM: Yeah, it was definitely a lot, it was really steady golf. Under par in a U.S. Open is always good. I had a tough day yesterday. Really not feeling like I played that bad, but just a lot -- a few bad breaks. And kind of nice to needing to know that I need a good round today just to try to make the weekend and to keep my head down and to just figure something out was kind of a relief.

Q. This is your second U.S. Open. How does this experience compare to last year?

TOM KIM: They're just very, very different golf courses. Again, I'm in a very, very different spot with just everything in my life. So definitely just trying to adjust right now and not really think about what happened last year. Because I had a good U.S. Open, wanting to, I feel like, experiencing it for the first time last year, I kind of enjoyed it. So I'm kind of happy with being able to play the weekend.

Q. Have you seen any noticeable differences with the golf course today versus yesterday?

TOM KIM: Yeah, it was, it played really firm today. Green speeds picked up. But just got to see what happens in the afternoon. It can get kind of tricky. A lot of players in the field, so the green does get pretty bumpy in the afternoon. That was the issue yesterday. So just kind of curious to see what happens.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134005-1-1044 2023-06-16 20:26:00 GMT

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