U.S. Open Championship 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Dustin Johnson

Flash Interview

Q. Dustin Johnson, even par-70. How many clubs did you use today?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I think I used them all but my 4, I think. I'm just trying to -- yeah. I think so. We'll go with that.

Q. You said you were proud of the even par. Talk a little bit about that.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, especially after this morning. Obviously you get No. 1, you want to get obviously off to a good start, and didn't do that.

But making a quad on No. 2 definitely didn't get the day started off kind of how I envisioned it starting today.

But to battle back and get it back to even par for the day and 6-under for the tournament, so still right in the mix going into the weekend, so yeah, definitely proud of the way I came back and finished off the round.

Q. You seem pretty calm out there always. What do you tell yourself after a quad? Do you think about getting back to even or how do you reset?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Just think about hitting the fairway on No. 3. Obviously I've still got a lot of golf holes, and it could have easily gone the other way after No. 2.

But yeah, obviously came right back and hit a couple good shots on 3 and made a nice putt to make a birdie there.

Played really nicely all day. Still missed a few good looks at birdie. I had quite a few good looks at birdie that I didn't make, and lipped out a couple.

Really feel like I'm swinging it really well, driving it good, so looking forward to this weekend.

Q. This golf course received a lot of criticism yesterday just for the low scores, a couple 62s. I'm wondering what your thoughts are on the setup?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I mean, even yesterday, other than there was -- there was a couple 62s, but if you take those away the scores weren't -- it wasn't like it was that low. Obviously I played a really, really good round.

Today definitely the greens are a little bit firmer, pins are tucked a little bit more. It was definitely a lot harder to get it close to the hole.

Q. As you're in the middle of the second hole, what are you telling yourself?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Well, I was just trying to make a 5, but obviously didn't really hit that bad of a drive. Just hit it a little on the top so it didn't quite cut enough. Caught the corner of the bunker and then chunked my bunker shot and then chunked the next one, skulled the next one. Everything that you could do wrong I did wrong.

It happens sometimes, but just battled back and played a really good round of golf.

Q. Is it hard to keep it from unraveling after that?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Sometimes it is. Today it wasn't, though. I've got a lot of confidence in the game and what I'm doing right now. It was nice obviously to come back and birdie the next hole. That definitely helped a little bit.

Q. What was the worst shot you hit on 2?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Probably the bunker shot, but it really wasn't that bad. I just caught it a little bit heavy so it came out a little bit left. I was just trying to get it back in the fairway.

You know, catch it a little heavy, especially on the up slope, it comes out a hair left and was in the rough. Probably the worst shot was skulling a pitch shot.

Q. What was the best shot you hit on 2? Was there one?


Q. What was the best shot you hit going forward after that?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I don't know. I hit a lot of good ones. Made a lot of really nice wedge shots.

Q. Which do you think was most important?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I mean, they're all important out here, but probably the tee shot on 3. Hitting a good shot and just getting settled back down after making an 8. Definitely wasn't too thrilled with myself walking off that green.

But the next hole was probably the most important.

Q. Can you remember a time in your pro career where you have made a quad and won?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I have no idea. I really don't. Probably. I'm sure. I don't know about pro, but I've made some big numbers before. It's not the first time. (Smiling).

Q. How would you sum up your position, where you are right now? Feeling good, ready to pounce?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, I mean, I think who knows what's going to be leading after today. But I feel like no matter what it is, I'm in a good spot with 36 holes to go. I'm looking forward to this weekend.

Obviously I feel like I'm swinging really well and rolling it good, too, so if I can keep driving it like I am, I'll be around here on the weekend.

Q. What about past experience from winning this very tournament yourself? How key could that be, do you think?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, obviously with two majors, I know what it takes to win. You've got to do everything well, and especially the next 36 holes are very important.

Tomorrow just got to go out and play solid just like I've been doing.

Q. This is going to sound bad, but I asked the same thing of Rory a couple weeks ago. How empty or full is your head when you're playing?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I've got no idea. (Laughter.)

Q. In terms of your golfing IQ and just wanting to keep things simple at the same time, what kind of balance do you strike?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I don't know, I've analyzed everything that's going on out there, whether it's the wind, the grass, the lies, where the ball is going to land on the greens.

I guess there's maybe a lot going on but not a lot at the same time. Does that make any sense?

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