U.S. Open Championship 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Tony Finau

Quick Quotes

Q. (No microphone.)

TONY FINAU: I was happy with the finish that I had. I made a couple nice par saves on the last two holes which always makes you feel good. Makes lunch taste a little bit better. But, yeah, I think overall as I just mentioned in my last interview, finishing in under par rounds at a U.S. Open you're going to be moving up the leaderboard most of the time. Shouldn't be any different this week.

Q. Have you noticed any big differences from the course yesterday versus today?

TONY FINAU: The course is slowly starting to firm out, which makes the greens slightly faster. I had some putts from above the hole, which obviously you don't want to be, but I thought they were absolutely lightning.

They were impossible to keep near the hole on a handful of putts, so I didn't think that was the case yesterday. It's starting to be the case today. Which just means the course is firming out and getting a little faster. So I expect them to continue that trend moving forward.

Q. How do you feel about your position going into the weekend given the course could get a little bit harder over the next couple days as the sun comes out and we dry out a little bit?

TONY FINAU: I'm just happy overall with how I've hung in there. Overall, scored the ball pretty well. Hitting it nicely. Just look forward to the weekend. There is a lot of golf to be played still. 36 holes for some of these leaders that haven't even started today. So we'll sit back and see how everybody plays, but overall for me just looking forward to another two more days of golf out here.

Q. Would you take me through that bunker shot on 7.

TONY FINAU: Yeah, that was pretty special. I was just up against the lip a little bit. I had my 55-degree out which is my sand wedge and I could tell with the way that I couldn't position myself the way I wanted.

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