U.S. Open Championship 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Gordon Sargent

Quick Quotes

Q. You're the low amateur so far. How do you think your round went?

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, I got off to a good start, birdied 1 and 2. And I hit some good shots the next couple holes, didn't make the putts. Got a tough break on 7. Ended up making double.

But then it was nice to kind of have a wedge in tight on 8 and then birdie. And then just kind of almost limped it in.

I had some good shots, but also some squirrelly ones. But, yeah, it's nice to put two solid rounds together and be there for the weekend.

Q. Looked like you saved par on 17.

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, I misjudged the wind slightly only the tee shot. I was able to kind of make like a 12-footer for par, so that was kind of big.

But, yeah, it's just nice knowing I played some good golf but also some stuff I need to work on.

Q. How much did the course change between playing in the morning yesterday and the afternoon today?

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, I mean, once the sun comes out this place firms up a lot. The rough did not get any thinner, to say the least.

But, yeah, it was a good test.

Obviously had a few tougher pin locations today. But if you put it in the fairway you can still have some birdie looks.

So yeah obviously you've seen it getting firmer but also the grass kind of grows a little bit in the afternoon so the greens kind of get a little slower. It's not going to get any easier.

Q. Probably a good test playing afternoon today since it will be a late morning, early afternoon groups tomorrow.

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, it was nice to kind of salvage a round to at least -- didn't feel like I played as well as I could have, but to just kind of keep it around par out here is pretty good going into the weekend.

Q. Just midway through how does it feel to be the low amateur?

GORDON SARGENT: It means a lot. I think there were 19 ams here I think, something like that, so, yeah, it gives me confidence I'm playing good and just go play some good golf on the weekend.

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134026-1-1041 2023-06-17 01:45:00 GMT

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