U.S. Open Championship 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Gary Woodland

Quick Quotes

Q. 2-under round today. What part of your game was working best for you out there?

GARY WOODLAND: I drove it better today. Yesterday was as bad as I've driven it in a long time and I got a little work in last night and drove the ball beautifully today.

Gave myself a lot of chances, a couple putts went in, so all in all it was a nice day. Yesterday the short game really kept me in it and gave me a chance so happy with the way I played today.

Q. Sun came out this afternoon, a little bit of wind. Talk about the conditions this afternoon.

GARY WOODLAND: Yesterday early it was softer. Softer than we had seen all week. So it was definitely scorable. That's obviously why you saw some of those scores.

Today late sun came out a little bit, firmed up a little bit, golf course started to show its teeth, and I anticipate it will continue to do that all weekend.

Q. You've already won a U.S. Open here in the State of California. What can you take from that experience back at Pebble going into the weekend here at lack?

GARY WOODLAND: That I've been there and I've done it. I know the game's good enough. I don't have to do anything special just got to continue doing what I'm doing.

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134027-1-1041 2023-06-17 02:08:00 GMT

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