U.S. Open Championship 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Denny McCarthy

Quick Quotes

Q. 3-under round today. You're 2-under overall. What part of your game was best for you today out there?

DENNY McCARTHY: My head. (Laughing.) I haven't really had my best stuff but I feel like I've just I've thought my way around this place very well.

I managed my game very well. It's typically one of my strengths. It hasn't really been a U.S. Open up until this afternoon and it started to get crusty, the wind started to blow, it started to firm up.

There was some tough demanding shots out there. Feel like I kind of -- I didn't have my -- I didn't hit my driver well, but I kind of have a go-to shot where I was able to just find the fairways, and then from there took advantage of like my wedges and short irons.

Played for almost a couple holes playing to miss it, miss the green almost. A couple hard shots where I was almost trying to hit it in a bunker. So just managed the game really well. Obviously great to play with Joel.

He was very easygoing to play with. He kept it a little easier to having conversations between shots when I did get frustrated. So that was nice. Looking forward to a good weekend.

Q. Last summer, two 68s on the weekend. How much confidence does that give you going into tomorrow at LACC?

DENNY McCARTHY: Yeah, I really like this golf course, I liked Brookline last year. I feel like last year at least I had -- I had a -- I really liked the golf course more and more each day and understood how to play it, and I feel like that's kind of how I am with this place already.

Nobody really knew what it was going to be like in round one, once kind of found out that it was gettable when it was receptive it's a little bit of a mindset change, but I feel like I had just a much better feel for the golf course today. Even when it firmed up we did a good job of kind of adjusting to the firmness and now that I really know where I'm going it should be fun over the weekend.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134030-1-1041 2023-06-17 02:35:00 GMT

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