U.S. Open Championship 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Scottie Scheffler

Quick Quotes

Q. A couple late round birdies. Can you take me through your round and how you felt and you how you're playing?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I felt like I battled pretty good out there. Didn't hit it very good at all on the front nine. I think I missed almost every fairway. So it's not easy to get too many looks when you're doing that. Hit some good drives there toward the end of the round and gave myself some chances and it was a good battle.

Q. How do you think the course played compared to yesterday?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I thought it played harder. Definitely more wind today than yesterday. The sun coming out, greens got pretty firm late in the day.

Q. Do you think there's an advantage to an earlier tee time to a later tee time when the sun comes out late like this?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I would say probably there would be an advantage to an earlier time with the greens being softer and fresher and all that fun stuff.

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134031-1-1044 2023-06-17 02:37:00 GMT

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