U.S. Open Championship 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Adam Hadwin

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you assess your day?

ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, the sun came out, breeze picked up a little bit. It was a little inconsistent direction-wise. It was tough to figure out on some of those holes.

I made it a lot more difficult on myself, as well. Just didn't swing well today. I just kind of struggled around.

It's weird to say considering I was only a couple over on a U.S. Open, which I think more than anything is just the wider fairways here keeps things playable, let's say.

But I hit my irons terrible.

I made a couple nice saves to not fall up a cliff early kind of mid-front nine because I was ready to spiral.

Made like a 30-footer for par on 3 and probably a good bogey on 4; got up-and-down on 5 and was able to wedge one close on 6. I kind of thought that was, okay, kind of settling in a little bit.

Yeah, just kind of limped in on 9.

Q. On 9 you just didn't hit it hard enough on that line?

ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, I think the line would have been okay. It might have been maybe proper speed, right around Denny's coin or something like that. Certainly could have played it higher. Yeah, it was a bit of a microcosm of really how I played today.

Like I said, I don't feel great. I limped completely in. I had a few choice words for myself. But we've got two more days to kind of grind things out.

Q. How do you think the course played different from yesterday to today?

ADAM HADWIN: I mean, the biggest thing, we didn't have the marine layer. I think it firmed up. The winds picked up a little bit. Not that they were by any means strong, but seven, eight miles an hour was seven, eight miles an hour more than we had yesterday.

I think with that, some of the fairways kind of narrow up just a little bit and it makes -- with things firming up it makes it harder to go into the greens and some of these pin locations.

You have to be extremely precise, otherwise you're left with very difficult 30-, 40-footers over ridges that you have to be perfect on.

Q. With your position right now, what do you expect and what do you want to do for the rest of this weekend?

ADAM HADWIN: I mean, I'd love to get it back to even, even or under par for the weekend. I expect that it's going to continue to firm up and get faster.

But honestly, I would just like to kind of stay patient and stay in it for 18 holes and not have the three to five hole gaps in the round as if I had never played golf before.

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134032-1-1041 2023-06-17 02:37:00 GMT

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